Learn to scan your memory bank for your strengths, talents, passions, interests, practical coping skills, and earlier potential& whether it's actualized or not. 学会扫描你的记忆银行,找出你的优点,才华,激情,兴趣,实用技能,早时候的潜能&无论它实现与否。
Scanning this memory bank and gleaning material that can be used to reinvent yourself to be happier is key, says Barbara Becker-Holstein, psychologist and author of Enchanted Self: A Positive Therapy. 扫描这样的记忆银行,挑拣出那些能用于重新创造自己,让自己变得更加快乐的东西,这点是关键。让你变强:一份积极的配方一书作者,心理学家贝克尔-荷尔斯泰因,芭芭拉说。
Feeding the Memory Bank 在记忆银行里储存
After the bank increases interest, people can take out money from inside the stock market come, put bank memory, after all the bank is safe. 银行加利息后,人们就会把钱从股市中抽出来,放入银行存储,究竟银行保险。
Vice-Chairman Jung was continually poring over maps and searching his memory to find the most inaccessible and wild spots to bury the treasures of the bank. 戎副主席曾经反复查阅地图,冥思苦想,选择外人最难以到达的荒郊野地来埋藏银行的财宝。
We've had a number of great games in the past and, of course, it always sticks in the memory bank. 我们历史上有几场伟大的比赛,总是能勾起人们的回忆。
But our understanding is not for the purpose of storing cognitive data in our memory bank. 可是我们对上帝的认识,不是为了储备头脑的知识在我们的记忆里。
Remembering things holds promise of long-term value; a digital memory bank of places I've been could be really handy. It's just not clear that most people really need it. 个人记录作为产品价值对时间的要求较长,可手持的电子记录空间是长期“签到”的意义,但我不能肯定用户真的需要这个服务。
This idea perhaps combined with a folk memory that the Great Depression had something to do with the collapse of an Austrian bank helped heighten the panic about Hungary. 这一概念或许还混合着经济大萧条多少与一家奥地利银行的倒闭有关的民间回忆更助长了有关匈牙利恐慌的升级。
Thank you for your part in filling my Memory Bank. 谢谢你成为我回忆银行的一部分。
The memory bank, in turn, activates the electronic circuits; the window closes, the door opens, hopefully the cat comes in, and the automatic telephone goes into action; right? 内存条,轮流地,激活电子电路,关闭窗子,打开门,希望猫进来,自动电话开始行动,对不?
But it seems increasingly likely that adjustments will be needed if the millions of tracts, treatises, thrillers and tragedies already embedded in Google's vast memory bank are once more to see the full light of day. 但如果数百万计的已内嵌在谷歌庞大存储体上的章节片段、专著、戏剧和悲剧作品再一次重见天日的话,似乎越来越有可能需要这一格局有所调整。
The read pointer is connected to the memory bank for addressing a second memory location to read a datum stored therein onto an output data bus. 所述读取指针连接到存储体,用于寻址第二存储器位置,以将存储在其中的数据读取到输出数据总线上。
But unless my memory deceives me, Barclays was almost as eager to stump up countless billions for the now-broken Dutch bank. 但除非我的记忆出了毛病,巴克莱银行(Barclays)几乎同样醉心于天价收购如今已破产的荷兰银行。
I am surprised. I must admit it is something I never thought about for a moment-it has been frozen into the memory bank. 我很惊讶,我必须承认自己从没想过这个&这个纪录在历史的长河中尘封的太久了。
Therefore, from the market's perspective," every moment is truly unique," even though the moment may look, sound, or feel exactly the same as some moment logged away in your memory bank. 因此,从市场的角度来说,即使你看见的、听见的或感觉到的和你记忆中的一模一样,“每个时刻都是独特的”。
A memory access scheduling is discussed in this paper. Memory access includes bank precharge, row activation and column access. 论述了主存储器访问操作中的bank预充电、row激活、column读写的访问调度技术。
To achieve the calling between the functions in different memory bank page, BANK mode combines the special hardware design with the addition codes in software. 它通过硬件设计与软件码中插入切换BANK页面操作相结合,实现页面存储器中不同页中代码的相互调用。
DDR SDRAM memory bank is used as the mass buffer in some applications. 本处理板中还加入了一个DDRSDRAM内存条,主要是考虑到实际应用中可能需要大容量缓存。
This dissertation mainly focuses on the performance of off-chip memory system. It introduces how to model SDRAM controller in C language, analyzes the impact of open page and bank interleave, and evaluates the effect of page hit and bank interleave by different address mapping manner. 本文主要讨论龙芯2号片外存储系统性能,介绍了SDRAM控制器的建模方法,分析了OpenPage和bankinterleave对系统性能的影响,评价了不同地址映射方式对page命中和bankinterleave的影响。
A person who is poor in cognition usually does not have rich information deposit in memory bank, lacks proper method to retrieve, activate his or her long term memory, or lacks sense of logic when organizing and classifying materials. 其次,学生的认知能力不高,表现在记忆储存不丰富,调用、激活长期记忆的方法不当、对相关材料的组织和分类不合逻辑。
Second, the mass communication promotes the formation of audience memory bank. (二)大众媒介促进受众记忆库的形成受众从外界获得的信息、知识和经验贮存在记忆库中,受众记忆库的形成同样有赖于大众媒介的促进。
The immune vaccine extracted from orthodox memory cells bank has been injected into antibody population, which guides the evolution direction of antibody population and accelerate evolution. 采取由正向记忆细胞库提取的免疫疫苗对抗体群进行接种,使群体的进化方向得到引导,提高了算法的进化效率;
The delay of accessing memory is affected not only by the restriction of hardware, but also by the parallel execution of memory accessing requests and the probability of bank conflicts. 对内存的访问延时除了受基础的硬件性能制约外,还受访存序列在Bank间的并行执行能力以及Bank上的冲突概率等因素的影响。
Some important parameters such as data depth, data width, maximum capacity, memory type, and bank quantity of the memory chip are decided by memory controller which automatically operates the memory access requests from CPU. 内存控制器决定着计算机系统内存的最大容量、BANK数量、类型、速度、颗粒数据深度和数据宽度等重要参数,并以自动化的方式处理CPU对存储器的访问请求。